Australian clinical lab

08 9321 9133
Amazon Drive Medical Centre has a wonderful team of Doctors, Nurse and Staff. We endeavour to offer appointments to all our patients with their choice of doctor, same day appointments and we also welcome new patients. We believe that continuity of care is directly associated with better health outcomes and prevention of lifestyle associated illnesses. Our team of doctors have varied areas of interests covering all aspects of medical care needed by families and all age groups. All our team has spent years in training and collaborated with each other to offer a high standard of care to our clients.
Our vision is to:
– Promote health & wellness
– Work with you to formulate a health care plan that suits your needs and works with your lifestyle.
– Offer multiple choices of appointment types & times to help you look after your health despite being busy.
– Secure record keeping and maintaining confidentiality
– Coordinate your care with our in-house team of Allied health professionals and provide most services under one roof.
– Work with you to assist with organising hospital care and investigations needed for your health management.
– Use resources such as electronic scripts and referrals, Telehealth appointments to save time and reduce visits to surgery unless needed.
Patient Health Records
Your Medical record is a confidential document.
It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized staff members.